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Best Business  Books

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By Tony Robbins 

Expert financial advice on wealth building and investment strategies from Tony Robbins. 

By Napoleon Hill

Timeless guide to success and wealth creation based on the experiences of achievers.

By Tim Ferriss

Inspiring stories of entrepreneurs who launched successful businesses with minimal capital. .

By James C. Collin

Discover the factors that transform good companies into exceptional ones. 

By Tim Ferriss

Escape the 9-5 grind and design a life of freedom through efficient work strategies.

By Peter Thiel

Learn the secrets of innovation and creating unique value in business. 

By Robert Kiyosaki

Gain insights into developing a wealthy mindset and building assets for financial independence. 

By David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

Challenge conventional work approaches and embrace efficiency and innovation. 

By Robert Cialdini

Uncover psychological principles to become a persuasive communicator and influencer. 

By Phil Knight

Captivating journey of Nike's co-founder, Phil Knight, in building an iconic brand