Netflix is the face of the OTT platform, and it was the first OTT platform ever to exist, before Disney plus, and Amazon Prime.
Netflix changed the way we consume entertainment, and it opened gateways to all the other platforms. Netflix is a mega-corporate giant in the OTT business.
But did you know that Netflix wasn’t always a streaming platform?
So let’s dive into the history of this Streaming Platform to see how it started.
I have divided the History of Netflix into three different eras.
● The Mail Based Renting Era
● The Transition Era
● Netflix Original Era
The History of Netflix
In 1997, on the 29th of August, Marc Randolph, Reed Hastings and Patty McCord came up with a revolutionary idea while carpooling between their homes, Santa Cruz, California and Pure Atria Headquarters Sunnydale, Pure Atria being the company they were working.

The Mail Based Renting Era
They originally intended to do Netflix, a mail-based rental service, and they were, funnily, inspired by Amazon.
But little did they know that soon, Netflix would inspire Amazon.
They had tried experimenting with the idea on VHS tapes, but they were costly and fragile to mail it somewhere.
Then they heard about DVDs, which were just recently introduced in the USA. DVDs were cheap and easy to mail.
They tested the concept by mailing a compact disc to Hastings house, which was the beginning of Company.

The Transition Era
In 2007, Company announced it’s a streaming platform. And the meek Mail-In Rental Service company paved the way to become a mega-corporation and a monopoly worldwide.
But at that time, the streaming Platform had only 1000 movies, compared to 100,000 DVDs.
They brought the concept of a shared account, which helped them greatly.
Netflix Originals
In the golden era of Netflix, we received Stranger things, Daredevils, Breaking Bad and many other memorable contents from this OTT platform.
An idea that clicked a mind on two co-workers while driving to work is now a Billion Dollar Industry.
A mega-giant is the ultimate symbol of Capitalism and success.
They have changed our habits and the ways we consume entertainment. It is said, The future is at Home.
And with all these companies launching their own, there shall be a time when we won’t even walk out of our houses to watch movies.
But sadly, it will be the ultimate end of Theatre.