It has provided over 93 million portions of food, and it is used by almost 5 million people across 59 countries.
Olio – How does it Work?
The Olio App is available on Play Store and Apple AppStore. You have to log in with your email id or Google Account.
And that’s it, you can then click a photo of the leftover food and share it, and it will be online for others to see, and if someone wants to have it, they will contact you and take away your leftover.
And yes, it is that easy!
The idea is crucial since almost 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted per year, which is one-third of what is produced a year!
Olio helps us stop food waste and help the environment get cleaner and safer for the future generation.
It is important we all support such initiatives.
The Founders and their stories

Tessa Clarke (Co-Founder of OLIO)
Tessa Clarke was born in North Yorkshire, England. She was raised on a dairy farm. She spent her childhood watching her parents feeding cows, mucking and moving out stock, milking the cattle. It shaped her mind and stamped in her brain that food was to be eaten, not thrown out.
On 17th December of 2014, while moving back to the UK from Switzerland, she and her husband had some leftover food left, and they were told the leftovers would be thrown out, and she couldn’t help but feel agitated by it.
She was so frustrated because she couldn’t find the homeless woman she saw every day. She had thought this would offer her the leftover meal.
She even thought of asking her neighbour but decided otherwise as it would have been awkward.
In the end, she sighed and gave up, feeling utterly dejected. But that night, an idea shone in her brain, and she asked herself why isn’t there an app that helped people stop throwing away leftovers and give them to someone needy.
Sasha Celestial-One (Co-founder of Olio)
Sasha Celestial-one was a daughter of Iowa’s hippy Entrepreneurs who named her Celestial One.
She spent her childhood salvaging and reselling old goods, and she realised that one man’s trash was another man’s treasure.
Sasha met Tessa in 2002, and they became good friends instantly; when Tessa told her an idea about a food waste app, she jumped right in the wagon, and their journey began.
Olio isn’t just another app; it is an app with a mission. I think if we all get in, we can reduce the amount of food waste.
In modern times, over $13 to $14 billion worth of food is wasted in the UK alone. We need to take steps in reducing that number, and Olio is helping us in that.