Everyone is talking about Web 3.0 (Metaverse), which has become a trending topic nowadays.
So, What is Web 3.0 is the primary question over here before discussing web 3.0, let’s talk about web 1.0 and 2.0.
Type of Webs
Web 1.0
There are three types of webs 1.0, 2.0, and on-trend 3.0. The main thing about them is they are hierarchically from bottom to top.
The oldest of them is web 1.0, which usually has a basic HTML format with liked text which can direct you from one page to another.
Web 2.0
Then comes the concept of web 2.0, which is already used by everyone nowadays like Google, Firefox, Chrome, and all other search engines, come under it.
The most excellent time-waster of our life is also the part of web 2.0, which is popularly known as social media. Some call it a social devil. Everyone is here, but no one knows who is honest and who is the fake one.
Like it destructs much life by threatening the people by many means like by trolling, data leakage and much kinder of unethical offends.
Web 3.0 – The Concept of the Metaverse
But it was not over at web 2.0 now; the father of all web took part in our life after Mark Zuckerberg talked about the concept of a metaverse where we can feel the world behind the screen with the same sensation as we feel the world around us.
Many people are unaware of the fact that it’s the future, and there are many opportunities in this field. That’s why people started to buy virtual land. On the game, and here is the concept of NFTs, which is the thing everyone is crazy about and pumping the rate of tokens and earning the crazy profit.
In today’s world, if you think about where are the real people, you will definitely notice that everyone is on social media. No one interacts with each other as they used to do early on.
Here is the metaverse, first of all, I clarified that it was not the physical world or place on Google map, but it is a virtual space where you can reach using some special kind of gear in the manufacturing process.
Metaverse definition by Mark Zuckerberg
It is a place where you can make your world and change it at any time you anted as you saw this concept of metaverse earlier in the movie called Wall-E.
The incredible animation movie describes the life of humans in 2050 and later, and everyone in the film is realigned on the car-like object which is going to do all the work which we do by ourselves.
Future of Gaming Industry
The concept of the metaverse is over-hyped by social media as everyone is curious about the new thing and its elements so that they can get the opportunity to be a part of the so-called new web 3.0 revolution.
Every gamer is crazy about the new type of virtual reality where everything depends on you, which means you are the creator and controller of that world.