“I invested my weekend in creating and then showcasing my digital art on IG platform.”
A statement coming out of the mouth of an aspiring marketing student is weird for the people who believe in investing time, money, and energy in something which helps them to grow economically and provides them with tangible returns.
Millennials work hard to turn their answers into reality, for the question “Where do you see yourself after 5 years?” not realizing the fact that every second of working up a sweat results in stressful minds and low energy souls.
Preparing to become an athlete of the “I am more dynamic” race needs a tank full of energy which surely you cannot gain if you are productive every second of your life.
Investing a bit of your energy and time in unproductive activities is considered healthy and wise. Now, here I answer the question which must have popped up in your mind.
“Why should you invest?”
Re-energizing your body and mind through participating wholeheartedly in the activities which you admired from a distance while sitting at your cubical office desk helps you in the following ways:
1. Avoid Burnouts – Working on and on, without any recreational activity or any break, can result in tearing out your souls from your tired bodies. So, to avoid such problematic situations at work, one should believe in creating a routine that helps to cope up with stress at work and enjoy bliss during your working hours.
2. Become More Productive – Filling up your time by working more doesn’t make you productive enough; instead, it transforms you into an unhealthy person. To become more effective, you shouldn’t be an actively productive person.
3. Lead a Healthy Life – Repeatedly doing a task and leading a work-life of no breaks can add up some more unhealthy behaviours in your list and anxiety in your minds. Investing a short span of time in playing golf or, as mentioned above (creating digital art), is no harm but only helps you gain mindfulness and peace within.
4. Work Efficiently – An important aspect of an employee is to be efficient and proactive to gain appraisals and appreciation at the workplace. A person investing his time being unproductive for a while is believed to work more efficiently and adequately.
5. Gain Inner Bliss – 24X7 working hard on a regular basis pays off in the most unblissful ways because when your mind is never at rest, it is unable to attain clearance from inner disturbances. Reward yourself regularly after hard-working weekdays with binge-watching weekends or cooking your favourite dish.
Apply “time-out” and indulge your mind in something more blissful, something which soothes your scars of long working hours. Become the winner of the race by being smartly unproductive in your life to achieve the full potential of a working mind.
Invest your energy by giving proper thought, as energy is a currency that should be spent wisely and invested properly.