Having an education is necessary for all. When you are educated, you say hello to many opportunities. You become independent, poised, and can have your own thought process.
As one said by Nelson Mandela – “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
The teacher’s profession is a noble profession, as a teacher imparts and shares knowledge. Doing a noble act just like a teacher is Harekala Hajabba.
Harekala Hajabba Life Journey
Harekala is no teacher, just an ordinary man who became extraordinary and known for his honourable deeds.
Hajabba is like any other fruit seller we know. What did he do differently to receive a Padma Shri from the Prime Minister?
He became the reason the children in his village could get an education. Harekala spent his entire savings in building a school for his town just so that the children of his village could receive formal education.
Harekala is an orange seller in Mangalore, Karnataka. With no formal education for himself, he realized how important being educated is when one day a foreigner asked him in English “How much?” the cost of his oranges.
He did not understand and could not answer. “I was very embarrassed, when I couldn’t tell the cost of the oranges I have been selling for all this while.” This was the turning point where he decided to do something about illiteracy.
In 2000, he built the school, which started with 28 students and now accommodates 175 students until class 10.
Not having a school in the village, he realized what the children were missing and felt terrible as they were deprived of their rights to education. With a meagre 150 RS saving per day, he built the school.
Harekala praises for his deed
When asked what his further plans are, he said, “I am going to use the prize money to build more schools and colleges in the village.”
He was honoured with the Padma Shri on Monday.
With determination and will to better the education scenario in his village, Harekala did not give up until the school was built. We need more people like him to take the initiative and better our country.
Harekala Inspires Young Generation
The country’s future is in the hands of the young generation. With proper education and guidance, they can secure a future for themselves and the land; for this, adequate education is essential.
We ought to do whatever is in our stride to make this country a better place to live in Harekala’s social work has made education possible to all those who thought it was only a dream. The entire village of Harekala-Newpadpu in Mangalore, Karnataka, are grateful to him for this noble deed.
We should give back to society in whichever way possible and do good for the needy and underprivileged.