With such a fluctuating lifestyle, women get through amid all the health issues, PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) top the list. According to one of the articles published in The Hindu, “ One in five Indian women suffers from PCOS”.
PCOD and PCOS are often used interchangeably but have concrete differences between the two; both affect ovaries and women’s bodies differently. Women have two ovaries in charge of producing eggs every month and producing hormones (male-female hormones) in very small quantities.
What’s PCOD?
polycystic ovarian disease is a medical condition in which ovaries release premature eggs that later turn into cysts over time.
Causing: Irregularities in periods (disturbed menstruation cycle)
Sudden weight gain
Male pattern hair loss
Painful cramps during periods
Affect metabolism rate of body
Condition: ovaries gain size and start releasing more of the male hormones.
Reason: it is a condition which is because of an unhealthy lifestyle and more reliance on junk food and weight gain.
PCOD isn’t even considered a disease entirely, and it can be controlled and cured with proper precautions and a completely strict diet and exercise regime.
What is PCOS?
polycystic ovarian syndrome is a metabolic disorder of the endocrine system. In PCOS, higher amounts of male hormones are secreted in the female body leading to ovulation irregularities.
- Cysts in the ovary in large numbers because of the condition.
- PCOS is a serious condition, Ed’s medical supervision as it is a metabolic disorder of the endocrine system.
– PCOS is a disorder, and PCOD is a symptom.
Common signs and symptoms of PCOS and PCOD
- Oligomenorrhea, irregular periods
- Amenorrhea in which periods are missed or skipped
- Menorrhagia, heavy bleeding during periods
- Excessive hair growth in the body
- Acne-prone
- Weight gain
- Hair on scalp gets thinner/fall out
- Skin darkening
Complications that require medical attention in PCOD /PCOS
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Infertility
- Type 2 diabetes
- Premature birth
- High risk of blood sugar and high blood pressure
- Risk of heart disease
- NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis)
- Depression
- Sleep apnea
- Endometrial cancer
- Miscarriage
- Difficulty in conceiving
Food to Eat:
Doctors say that it affects our hormonal conditions on the check, so one with such conditions must follow a proper diet regime. Which includes;
- A low glycemic index diet is a must for everyone, especially for PCOD /PCOS condition patients
- An anti-inflammatory diet, such as berries, leafy vegetables, fatty acids etc.
- The DASH diet, dietary approaches to stop hypertension. (it includes poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products
- Add protein-rich food to your diet plan.
- Add flaxseeds, lentils, ginger, chilli pepper and nuts to your diet.
Food to Avoid:
- Packed food items.
- High glycemic index food
- Sugary beverages
- Solid fat
- Fried food
- Refined carbohydrates
- Processed meat
- Excessive red meat
- Avoid juices instead; take fruits with roughage.
Following dietary plans and proper exercise can improve symptoms and lead one to a healthier life.