On Monday, Tata Motors unveiled their new electric car under the brand name “CURVV” in the SUV segment after the huge success of Nexon and Tigor. Very soon, they will start to sell it on the market. With this new one, Tata’s portfolio of EVs will increase from two EVs to three electric cars (Tata Nexon EV, Tata Tigor EV, and the new Tata Curvv).
What is the difference between a normal car and a SUV car?
SUV stands for Sports Utility Vehicle. The main difference between them is that normal cars come with low ground clearance like the Tata Nano, Alto, etc., while SUVs come with high ground clearance like the Tata Safari, Honda City, Kia Seltos, etc.
Features of the New CURVV
The new Curvv comes in two generations, one that will cover a range of 250 km on a single charge and the second generation that will cover a range of 400-500 km on a single charge.
Curvv is completely equipped with a new architectural design, frameless windows, and a sunroof based on the philosophy called “digital,” where the company focuses more on offering digital-based functions. The company has not disclosed further specifications to date.
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Pros and Cons of Tata Curvv
The New Curvv comes with a new technology called Ziptron that will help with better range and take less time to charge. It comes with a new architecture design like a frameless window, and a high battery pack, and covers a high range on a single charge that you will not find in the Tata Nexon EV and Tigor EV.
Well, the company has not disclosed anything about their engine, so we cannot say anything in a hurry.
Tata Motors dominating the EV industry
As an Indian, I am glad to say that Tata is one of the leading players in the EV industry in the Indian market, with a market share of 70%. In the previous year, Tata Motors sold 13000 units, which means they sold 1600 units per month. Now, they are planning to increase their sales from 13,000 units to 30,000 units in the current fiscal year.
The Future of Tata Motors
Tata Motors has also been planning to export their EVs to other countries’ markets like Asia, the US, Europe, etc. because the average cost of an EV in other countries is $25000, roughly around ₹ 19 lakhs.
While Tata Motors’ average EV cost is ₹14–15 Lakhs, this is a significant difference, which is why they plan to manufacture their EVs in India and sell them in other markets to gain a competitive advantage, but for the time being, they are focusing on the Indian market because it is at a nascent stage.
No doubt, adding new CURVV into a line will not only help the company to increase their revenue but market share as well, which will lead to high profitability. Next quarter would be a good quarter for the company.
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