A lot of houses today are made of concrete, iron, and bricks. A vast majority of them are not self-sustaining either. They consume a lot of electricity and water, release a lot of waste, and accumulate mold and break down with rain. Without electrical regulation of temperature with fans, A.C.s, and heaters, they fail to comfort their residents.
Today globally, people are starting to become environmentally aware and are looking to make their houses sustainable, and they want to spend less on electricity and water. Here Sustainable, Modern Indian Fusion House come into play.

Modern Indian Fusion House
Indian houses have had a long tradition of being environmentally sustainable and suited to the climate of the Indian subcontinent. Be it the spacious and simply furnished houses of the southern part of India, graceful in their elegance, or be it the cozy and richly furnished houses of northern India, proud in their grandeur, Indian houses possess a unique charm.
Marathi Wadas, made of wood and stone, kept one cool in hot Deccan summers. Cozy Kashmiri and Himachali houses gave warmth in cruel Himalayan winters. These houses also stand as a testament to indigenous Indian architecture.
Be it today or in the past, there are a few things nearly all sustainable houses have in common. they all
1. Generate their electricity through solar panels. (This is a modern thing)
2. Store water during rains to use for daily use
3. Have proper insulation.
4. Made of locally sourced and non-toxic materials.
5. Try to reduce waste from sewage and try to compose it into manure.
But one faces many difficulties when on a quest for a sustainable Indian house. One of them is the cost and time. Materials needed to construct it are often pretty costly. And they also require a lot of time to plan. And the second problem is that of convenience. Traditional houses need a lot of renovation to become compatible with the modern world.
Here the fusion part comes into play. Today architects, interior designers, and engineers are trying to create houses that have it all. They are cheap, environmentally sustainable, rooted in tradition, and equipped with modern amenities, and they are tailored to the needs of the Indian people.
But there is not a lot of awareness related to this information. Still, that is slowly changing. You can also find and talk to architects to see if they can make a sustainable house. Even if you don’t have the means to create a sustainable home, you can still at least install a solar generator.
They might seem expensive now but will help you cut costs in the future. They are suitable investments.
So this was a primary gateway to the world of Sustainable, Modern Indian Fusion Houses. I hope this gave you a broad idea of what you can do in your journey of building a sustainable home.
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