Before we think about why we should need to find options or say new sources for energy, we need to know what we are using till now, whether it satisfies the demand for world energy, the availability of old resources, etc.
These are some Energy Sources
- Petroleum Energy
- Hydrocarbon Energy
- Natural Gas
- Thermal Energy
- Nuclear Energy
- Solar Energy
- Wind Energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Hydropower
- Ocean Energy
- Biomass Energy
What are the Renewable Energy Resources?
Out of the above resources, some resources are renewable energy sources. The sources that can be used repeatedly and replaced without human interaction are known as renewable energy sources.
Renewable energy rarely runs out like wind is an excellent renewable energy source; the wind is used only for moving wind turbines, and the same wind flow can rotate too many turbines at the same time.
Same thing with other renewable energy sources Like Solar energy, Wind energy, Geothermal energy from the heat inside the earth. Hydropower from running water, ocean energy in waves, tides, current energy, ocean heat, biomass, etc.
Which are Traditional Sources of energy?
Oil, Gas, and Coal, or nuclear are the traditional resources of energy that are also Non-renewable and limited.
Understanding Energy Generation Procedure:
Now quickly, we’ll look at how energy is produced from these resources.
- Petroleum Energy – to spin a turbine to generate electricity, exhaust gas used and these gases produced by burning Oil with Pressure.
- Hydrocarbon Energy – The chemical reaction where a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to create heat, water, and carbon dioxide. Energy is getting from fossil fuels by combustion of the fuel.
- Natural Gas – Natural gas power plants generate electricity by burning natural gas as their fuel.
- Coal – By burning Coal in a boiler to make steam, it flows into a turbine with high pressure, which spins a generator to create electricity.
- Nuclear Energy – Nuclear power plants generate heat water to produce steam. The steam is used to rotate giant turbines which generate electricity.
- Solar Energy – Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy through photovoltaic (PV) panels or mirrors that concentrate solar radiation.
- Wind Energy – Wind flows over the wind turbine blades, which causes the blades to spin. The blades are connected to a shaft that spins an electric generator, generating electricity.
- Geothermal Energy – Geothermal power plants use steam, which comes from reservoirs of hot water found below the earth’s surface. The steam rotates a turbine that generates electricity.
- Hydropower Energy – As the water flows through the dam, its kinetic energy is used to rotate a turbine generating electricity.
- Ocean Energy Wave & Tidal: Tidal power surrounds gravitational Hydropower, which uses the movement of water to push a turbine to generate electricity.
- Ocean thermal energy -The sun’s heat warms the surface water more than the deep ocean water, and this temperature difference creates thermal energy.
- Biomass – high-pressure steam generated by burning Biomass in boilers. This stream flows through a turbine, and it generates electricity.
After knowing the power generation process, we can easily analyze that even the non-renewable resources are traditional and primary energy sources but are limited. Due to the scarcity of those, energy prices will go high. We are experiencing a Scarcity of Coal in India, and fuel prices are going up in the entire world due to the limited Petroleum.
Should we need to find new options for energy sources?
With this much information, we are ready to give our opinion on the title “Should we need to find new options for energy resources.”
Traditional Energy resources are limited, non-renewable, costly, and not environment friendly. Instead, when we look at new energy resources like sunlight, wind, Ocean Waves are natural, we don’t need to make any manual arrangement to flow the current or move the ocean water to make waves.
It happens naturally, and hence these are cost-effective, environment friendly, and are not limited. So the answer is Big YES; we need to find and use new energy resources to save our mother earth and a better future.
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