Readers, this spell will not instigate you to push yourself to become a part of the race towards becoming “The Perfect Human”.
Instead, it will allow your thoughts to ponder over the non-acceptance inside you regarding your beautiful flaws and spectacular scars on your soul.
In this filtered-upload world, we somewhere lose our confidence and the truest of ourselves while running behind, becoming close enough to the perfectly filtered picture we scrolled the other day on Instagram. We start criticizing our body, mind, and then finally our existence.
What do we get out of this criticism?
All we get is our mind full of depression and our chest full of anxiety. Neither am I telling you to go on a solo trip nor am I telling you to pamper yourself with parlour treatments.
I am just trying to convince you to face the reality that self-love isn’t what we practice once a year or twice a month, and Self-love is what we practice in our day-to-day life.
People who turn their confidence down by comparing their lives with others ought to suffer from mental sickness faster than those who practice self-compassion every day.
How To Begin?
The steps taken to start this practice are very simple to follow, and practising them daily can convert your thoughts about others too.
Everyday practice can kill the negativity around you and keep your mind calm and peaceful at challenging times. Read further to attain the true self within you.
NUMBER 1 – Appreciate even the tiniest victory of yours.
One should never underestimate the small victories in life, as these are the ones that will lead you to a greater one. Consider your hard work and its outcome worth a celebration. Cause guys, if you don’t appreciate your achievements and respect your efforts, don’t expect others to do so.
NUMBER 2- DO NOT force yourself into “perfectionism”.
Learn the art of acceptance, which will definitely bring a different level of satisfaction and happiness regarding criticism. Everybody is running after becoming what they are not good at, which ultimately leaves them with grey clouds on their head!
I say, accept your flaws with grace and fill up that empty glass with confidence, and love everything about yourself cause being “perfect” is a myth, my friend.
NUMBER 3 – Know your worth.
As individuals, we earn respect for ourselves by our actions and reactions throughout our lives, which is full of ups and downs, so don’t let anybody (literally ANYBODY) ruin/harm your self-respect and mental health.
Take a stand for yourself wherever possible, be it your own family, career, school, or college. Never forget your worth during any phase of your life.
Today, one can easily get in a soft feeling by comparing their life with others. Scrolling through social media is toxic and self-destructive at many points, as people tend to focus more on what is absent around them rather than focusing on the happiness which small things bring to them.
Girls comparing their stretch marks with the perfect model figure they see on a magazine cover or boys who are thin but with clever humour suffer from low self-esteem seeing the other men build their muscles.
Why such comparisons do we put on ourselves? Why are we not happy with what we have achieved by our hard work?
Why are we not satisfied with the little things we are surrounded? Why are we so afraid to show love to ourselves?
Such questions arise in my mind as I wonder about my misery and my failures.
How can we achieve Self Love?
We attract what we grow within our souls, self-pity and self-love are two different sides of the same coin, and it is up to us what we want to be surrounded with (love or pity).
Lastly, I would suggest keeping your circle small and not pouring your words for all. It is good not to talk to hundreds but only tens because creating meaningful bonds is all that will be there.
Be kind, gentle, polite, bitter, rude, and impolite; be something between these lines. Maybe it will be easier then to find peace in every friend.
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